Patient care is the fabric of our business

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Patient care is the fabric of our business

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The term “Osteopathy” was coined in the year 1889 and was governed to work with the principles of natural law and inherent forces within the body. The first school was a 1 room schoolhouse with a class of 21 men and women which included members of Dr. Still’s family and local people from the community.

Animal Osteopathy is a branch of manual therapy with the same principles and practices as human osteopathy, evaluating the whole picture, rather than fixating on the site of pain or dysfunction. It is based on the premise that the body has the ability to heal itself. It takes a holistic approach that involves freeing restrictions from joints and fluid systems. This allows the body to self-heal and self-regulate. An animal osteopath uses gentle hands-on palpation and manipulation to assess, treat, release pain and restrictions in the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tissues. That way structural symmetry can be achieved.

Massage Therapy is a manual or hands-on treatment that focuses on muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue (fascia), and joints. With multiple methods and techniques, a Registered Massage Therapist works on the body to optimize the health and well-being of an individual.

Life enhancement counselling invites a different way of being that brings more ease and appreciation into all aspects of daily living, including relationships with self and others, life and career transitions, and the navigation of day-to-day stressors. Through support and encouragement, one acknowledges their fears, doubts, strengths, and gifts, creating an opening that shifts patterns that no longer serve.

Inner knowing strengthens and self-confidence expands. New possibilities emerge. A deeper sense of harmony arises. Awareness is enhanced and choices become clearer. Connections are strengthened. A joyful celebration of living takes on new meaning. And as one faces life’s inevitable challenges, there is a deeper trust in the capacity to move through these moments with strength and ease.

Holistic therapies support the “whole” person, using energetic and hands-on modalities that bring thoughts, emotions and the physical body into harmonious balance. Holistic medicine studies show that as a person gains more balance and congruence in their life, they experience a greater sense of relaxation and ease, with enhanced health and well-being on all levels.