Catherine Steele

MSW, RSW | BA Psych | Reiki Master
Life Enhancement Counselling | Holistic Healing | Career Transitions


Catherine is a warm-hearted and intuitive Life Enhancement Counsellor and Holistic Healing Practitioner. With 30+ years of facilitating more ease and expansion for her clients in all areas of their lives, she brings an open, joyfuland whole-person approach with everyone she sees.

In her role as Life Enhancement Counsellor, Catherine guides and supports clients in navigating relationships, life transitions, and day-to-day stressors with more confidence and ease. In addition, she has comprehensive experience in career counselling and can assist with vocational choices, ranging from the beginning stages of assessment and exploration to the later stages of resume development and interview preparation.

In combination with a Masters Degree in Social Work and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, Catherine has extensive experience as a counsellor, teacher and supervisor in settings such as community service agencies, family health clinics, hospitals, educational facilities, career counselling centres, and in her private practice. She holds the designation of Registered Social Worker with the Ontario College (OASWSSW) and is a member of both the Canadian and Ontario Associations.

In her role as a Holistic Healing Practitioner, Catherine pulls from a diverse range of integrated energy medicine therapies that enhance energetic flow and expand the connection between one’s emotions, mind, body, and spirit. As emotional and physical unease dissolves, a sense of peace and harmony is generated that leads to enhanced well-being on all levels. Catherine was trained as a registered nurse, and has been providing and teaching a diverse range of holistic and energetic healing modalities over the past twenty-five years.

She is a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui-Tibetan, Holy Fire, and Karuna systems and holds classes in all levels from 1st Degree to Teacher. She is a Certified Practitioner in Energy Medicine, Reiki, Access Bars (release and activation of energy points), Energetic Body Processes, and the Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). In addition, she has studied a wide range of holistic modalities including the Gene Keys, Therapeutic Touch, Soul Blueprints, Ancestral Healing, Mindfulness Meditation (MSBR-based), Guided Imagery, and the Emotion Code.

People who work with Catherine describe:

  • Increased confidence and self-worth
  • Expanded harmony and peace of mind
  • A deeper inner knowing and trust in oneself and others
  • Greater insight and clarity in direction and choices
  • Stronger and more fulfilling connections and relationships
  • New meaning and joy in their work and livelihood
  • More energy and vitality on a day-to-day basis
  • A fresh sense of wonder as they celebrate the joys of being fully alive.
Scheduling an Individual Session

Individual sessions are 60-90 minutes in length, depending on the preferred type of service. In an initial 20 minute exploratory call, Catherine will happily provide you with more detailed descriptions of the various modalities and assist in determining which service would be most beneficial at this time.

Initial Exploratory Phone Call
No Cost

Life Enhancement Counselling
$125 per 60 minutes session.

Integrated Energy Treatments
$125 per 60-90 minute session

Career Exploration and Counselling
$125 for initial 60 minute session (subsequent pricing depends on services required)

Resume and Interview Preparations
$125 for initial 60 minute session (subsequent pricing depends on services required)